Whether you find retirement sneaking up on you, or you’ve always banked on retiring early, retirement can sneak up on even the most diligent savers. In today’s uncertain economic times, it might leave you wondering if you’ve done enough to safeguard your financial future. If you’re five to 10 years away from retirement and questioning whether your savings will withstand the challenges of inflation, long-term care costs, healthcare expenses, and more…you’re not alone.

Let’s explore the critical considerations for those who might be unprepared for retirement’s financial hurdles, and move toward a comfortable and worry-free journey into your golden years.

1. Miscalculating Your Retirement Needs

If you’ve managed to amass a significant nest egg, you have reason to be proud of yourself! But even if you have a million dollars saved, it may not be enough. If you plan to retire in your early or mid-60s, your retirement savings will need to carry you through 30 years or more. Not to mention, you will encounter additional expenses along the way, such as healthcare costs, home maintenance, and taxes.

The best way to avoid financial anxiety in retirement is to map out various retirement scenarios to see what your savings can handle. We routinely review these scenarios for our clients. Knowledge will empower you, especially in this situation. Once you have an idea of what you’ll need for your unique situation, set up contingency funds to cover the unexpected and find ways to maximize your savings to give yourself a cushion.

2. Healthcare Inflation

If you’ve ever held a hefty medical bill in your hand, you aren’t alone. The United States has one of the highest costs of healthcare in the world. And as you age, you will likely require more healthcare services.

According to the Fidelity Retiree Health Care Cost Estimate, the average couple at age 65 will require $315,000 to cover healthcare costs in retirement. Most people don’t even have that much in their retirement accounts to live on, let alone to cover medical costs. Even with Medicare, there could be significant out-of-pocket expenses and many conditions and treatments that are not covered.

When choosing your health insurance for retirement, make sure you understand all Medicare options and supplements and work with an experienced professional to help you evaluate your options. For example, many people don’t realize that basic Medicare has no cap on out-of-pocket expenses. A supplement is required to achieve a limit on costs. Comprehensive insurance is more expensive but can cap unexpected expenses. If you plan to retire before age 65, be sure to get a pre-Medicare policy in place.

3. An Inadequate Withdrawal Strategy

Just because you’ve worked hard to save for retirement and build up a nest egg doesn’t mean you can rest easy. Once you start tapping into your savings, you need to develop a strategy to withdraw your funds so they last the rest of your life, however long that may be.

Since the historical average return of the stock market is roughly 10% per year, you might assume that you can afford to withdraw that much from your portfolio each year. But in reality, to protect against the uncertainty of the market, you may have to limit your withdrawals to 4% - 5% or less. The market volatility of the last couple of years proves just how risky it is to bank on a 10% return every year. Since there is no simple, one-size-fits-all plan, your withdrawal strategy will need to be tailored to your unique needs, taking various factors into account, such as time horizon, risk tolerance, asset allocation, and unexpected living expenses.

Keep in mind that whatever withdrawal strategy you use, you will still need to consider the tax impact of your plan. Many people forget to plan for this crucial component and end up with less than they needed after taxes were paid. Make sure you are structuring your retirement plan in a tax-efficient way to avoid paying more than you have to during your golden years.

4. Market Downturns

Many people in the retirement red zone are fearful about how much downside risk their plans can handle. This is a valid concern given the market volatility of the last couple years. Here’s where tried-and-true investing principles come into play.

Diversification is one of the most talked-about investment strategies for a reason: it helps to reduce the risks your investments experience from market volatility. While you can’t eliminate risk from your portfolio entirely, you can cushion the blow if things go south. If you put too much of your money into one stock or even one sector of the economy, you put yourself in danger of losing your retirement savings.

It is important to evaluate your portfolio’s current allocation. You may need to rebalance or diversify your positions. Look at the big picture of all your accounts to ensure you are diversified across the board. It may also be helpful to consider a flexible withdrawal strategy which involves withdrawing less (and spending less) in the years where the market underperforms.

5. Unexpected Death of a Spouse

Losing your spouse is devastating, regardless of when it happens. But losing a spouse during the final years of their career can be dangerous for the surviving spouse’s financial plan. Furthermore, retirement and long-term care costs may increase without a spouse to share costs and provide care. Depending on the pension benefits selected, a spouse’s pension may not pay out to the surviving spouse in the event of his or her death. An early death may also decrease the spousal Social Security benefits the surviving spouse receives, leaving him or her with little income.

It’s critical for both spouses to be actively involved in the planning process to avoid a setback if this tragedy occurs. Take the time to consider benefits for the surviving spouse, such as life insurance. Wills, trusts, and beneficiary designations should be reviewed to ensure both spouses are protected financially. You should also create a pension and Social Security strategy to optimize the benefit for the surviving spouse. Examine multiple scenarios and make sure that you are taken care of no matter what happens.

Build a Strong Defense

As retirement nears, it’s common to feel a mixture of excitement and apprehension—there are so many unknowns ahead, it can be an overwhelming experience. Having a strong team on your side can help you tackle these challenges and bring you into the end zone with ease. If you could use a financial coach on your bench, call our office at 845-278-8638 or send us a message to set up a complimentary consultation.

About Mike

Michael Durante is a founder and Certified Financial Planner™ (CFP®) at Infiniti Wealth Management, an independent, fee-only financial advisory firm. With over 25 years of experience, Mike specializes in serving women who are going through a life transition, whether that’s a divorce or the death of a spouse, as well as pre-retiree and retiree couples. He is passionate about helping his clients develop a personalized financial plan based on their values and goals so they enter retirement with confidence and peace of mind. Mike has both a bachelor’s degree in business administration and an MBA from Pace University. When he’s not working, Mike loves spending time outdoors hiking, biking, walking, golfing, campfires, the beach and doing yard work, as well as spending time with family and friends. Mike also enjoys to read, travel, and check out local restaurants and events. To learn more about Mike, connect with him on LinkedIn.


September 22, 2023 - Michael Durante, CFP®